UAS-Gijón Lugo

UAS-Gijón Lugo is a collaborative team formed by UAS-UO and a group of professionals integrated in the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) made up of professors who teach mainly in different degrees of the Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS) of the Campus of, PHD students and external collaborators belonging to entities such as the Xunta de Galicia, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid or the Universidad de Valladolid.


Project: Construction of the first multirotor UAS with a maximum takeoff weight of 20 kg.

Year: 2016

Funding: University of Oviedo (Own R&D Plan)

Project: Inspection of photovoltaic and solar thermal parks using UAS and digital thermal image processing.

Year: 2019

Funding: TSK Group

Project: Research and development of mobile applications for the automatic detection of failures in industrial facilities and civil protection and agroforestry work using unmanned aircraft.

Year: 2019

Funding: IUTA (University Institute of Technology of Asturias)

Project: Design, assembly, adjustment and verification of a multirotor aircraft in X8 configuration equipped with a gyro-stabilized thermal camera and autonomy of 50 minutes.

Year: 2020

Funding: CENER (National Renewable Energy Center)

Project: Advisory and assistance service on unmanned aircraft for the Department of Rural Environment and Territorial Cohesion of the Principality of Asturias.

Year: 2021

Funding: Regional Ministry of Rural Affairs and Fisheries of the Principality of Asturias


Title: Three-dimensional reconstructions from aerial photographs of the megalithic tumulus of la Cobertoria, near Campa San Juan (Asturias, Spain), 2016.

Editor: International Congress

Title: Li-Po Battery Charger Based on the Constant Current/Voltage Parallel Resonant Converter Operating in ZVS mode.

Editor: Energies MDPI

Title: In situ Antenna Diagnostics and Characterization System based on RFID and Remotely Piloted Aircrafts.

Editor: Sensors and Actuators A: Elsevier

Title: Optimization of Supercapacitor Sizing for High-Fluctuating Power Applications by means of an Internal-Voltage-Based Method.

Editor: Energy: Elsevier

Title: A Novel Analytical Solution for the Calculation of Temperature in Supercapacitors Operating at Constant Power.

Editor: Energy: Elsevier

Title: Robust Detection, Classification and Localization of Defects in Large Photovoltaic Plants Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Infrared Thermography.

Editor: Applied Sciences: MDPI

Title: Preliminary Results of a Hybrid Thermoelectric Propulsion System for a Multirotor UAS with Active Rectifying.

Editor: Applied Sciences: MDPI

Title: Supercapacitors in Constant-Power Applications: Mathematical Analysis for the Calculation of Temperature.

Editor: Applied Sciences: MDPI

Title: Analysis of the Efficiency of the Electrohydrodynamic Propulsion Based on the Biefeld-Brown Effect for Manned and Unmanned Aircrafts.

Editor: Applied Sciences: MDPI


Title: Development of a hybrid electrical energy generation system to maximize autonomy in remotely piloted and autonomous aircraft.

Author: Salvador Ballesteros Duque

Tutor: Manés Fernández Cabanas

Year: Developing

Grade: Developing


Project: Remote sensing services for biomass estimation in the framework of the project Operation CO2: Integrated agroforestry practices and nature conservation against climate change (LIFE11 ENV/ES/535).

Year: 2013 – 2017

Funding: General Foundation of the University of Valladolid.

Project: Realization of virtual flights in the plots of the project «Green Deserts LIFE09 / ENV/ES /000447».

Year: 2019

Funding: General Foundation of the University of Valladolid.

Project: Photogrammetric survey of the Roman Camp of A Cidadela.

Year: 2015


Project: 3D aerial photogrammetric survey of the Campus Terra valley in Lugo.

Año: 2021

Funded by: USC


Title: Biomass estimation of pasture plots with multitemporal UAV-based photogrammetric surveys.

Editor: International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, Elsevier

Title: Above-ground biomass estimation of arable crops using UAV-based SfM photogrammetry.

Editor: Geocarto Internacional, Taylor and Francis

Title: A hybrid photogrammetry approach for archaeological sites: Block alignment issues in a case study (the Roman camp of A Cidadela).

Editor: Elsevier Masson, Francia

Title: Spectral analysis of the phenological stages of Lupinus mutabilis through spectroradiometry and unmanned aerial vehicle imaging with different physical disinfection pretreatments of seeds.

Editor: Geocarto Internacional, Taylor and Francis

Title: IR Thermography from UAVs to Monitor Thermal Anomalies in the Envelopes of Traditional Wine Cellars: Field Test.

Editor: Remote Sensing – MDPI

Title: Generating the Baseline in the Early Detection of Bud Rot and Red Ring Disease in Oil Palms by Geospatial Technologies.

Editor: Remote Sensing – MDPI

Title: Virtual Globes for UAV-Based data Integration: Sputnik, GIS and Google Earths™ Applications.

Editor: International Journal of Digital Earth, Taylor and Francis

Title: Plant survival monitoring with UAVs and multispectral data in difficult access afforested areas.

Editor: Geocarto Internacional, Taylor and Francis

Title: Determinación de biomasa en parcelas de cultivos herbáceos mediante cámaras ópticas elevadas por medio de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV).

Title: Empleo de la fotogrametría de rango cercano y RPAs para la determinación de biomasa en parcelas agrícolas.

Title:Estimación del rendimiento del pasto mediante NDVI calculado a partir de imágenes multiespectrales de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV).

Title: Los robots toman el cielo.


Título: Survival control in agroforestry plantations with waterboxx using unmanned aerial vehicles and multispectral information.

Author:Jose Luis Marcos Robles

Tutor: Mariluz Gil-Docampo

Year: 2016

Grade: Cum Laude

Title: Remote sensing with UAVs in agroforestry and agribusiness. Key applications in biomass, plantation survival, and energy efficiency of wineries

Author:Marcos Arza García

Tutor: Mariluz Gil-Docampo

Year: 2021

Grade: Cum Laude
